Dog Care: Identifying And Treating Warts

Just like humans, dogs can get warts on their bodies, so it's wise to check your dog regularly to ensure any warts are treated and to help prevent the spread of warts. Warts are caused by the papillomavirus, and warts on dogs are contagious to other dogs but not to other animals or humans. There are several strains of the papillomavirus, and different strains cause different types of warts to develop on different parts of your dog's body. Papillomavirus can be transmitted through breaks in the skin, and dogs with a weak immune system are particularly vulnerable to papillomavirus. Once your dog has had contact with the papillomavirus it can take several weeks for warts to develop. To prevent the spread of this condition, don't walk your dog in public places or visit dog parks until your dog's warts have been treated.

Identifying Warts On Your Dog

When you think of warts you probably think of the common cauliflower-like warts, but warts can also be flat or scaly in appearance. Some warts have a dark dot in the middle, but others do not and can seem like a small raised bump on the skin. Dogs can develop warts almost anywhere, including around their eyes and around their mouth, which can interfere with their ability to eat and drink. If your dog develops warts between their toes or on their paw pads, they can struggle with walking. Warts on the feet can also easily become infected with bacteria due to the pressure on them when your dog is standing and walking.

Treating Warts

Your vet can diagnose warts just by carrying out a basic physical examination. Treatment for warts will depend on how many your dog has and whether there are signs of bacterial infection present. If your dog has only one or two warts, your vet may suggest surgical removal with a laser or scalpel. Clusters of warts are generally treated with medication, and the type of medication used will depend on your dog's specific circumstances. Your vet may suggest antivirals or medication that stimulates your dog's immune system to allow them to fight off the papillomavirus. Antibiotics will be required if a bacterial infection has developed. In some cases, more than one course of treatment will be required to successfully get rid of your dog's warts.

If you discover any warts on your dog's body, separate them from any other dogs in your home and make an appointment with a veterinarian.

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How a Vet Can Help Sick Animals

If you have ever wondered how a vet can help a sick animal, you are in the right place to discover the answer. I have spent the past couple of years studying professional vet clinics. I have also watched a lot of relevant YouTube videos as well as reading articles relating to animal health. Therefore, I have a good grasp of the steps a vet will take to treat a sick animal or pet. Read on to find out more about veterinary procedures such as neutering, infection control, and emergency surgery. Please check back soon to read our latest updates.




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