Is Your Puppy Biting? How Puppy Behavioural Training Classes Can Help

If your puppy has developed the bad habit of biting and nothing you've tried has deterred the behaviour, it's time for advanced puppy training. Biting isn't merely a nuisance. In fact, if not controlled, biting can lead to serious consequences for your puppy and for you. That's why puppy behaviour training is so important. If you don't think that puppy behaviour training will break the bad habit, you're mistaken. You might not realise this, but puppy behaviour training can help break your puppy from a variety of bad habits, including biting. Here are just four of the ways behaviour training can help get your puppy out of the habit of biting.  

Positive Reinforcement

If your puppy is exhibiting bad behaviours such as biting, it's time to focus on the positive. You might think that focusing all of your attention on bad behavior is the way to go, but that's not necessarily the case. This is especially true if your puppy is using bad behaviour as a way to garner attention from you. If that's the case, puppy behaviour training can give you the tools you need to focus on good behaviour instead. Positive reinforcement methods can help stop your puppy from biting. 

Effective Time-Outs

If you've been putting your puppy into time-out whenever they bite, but that method isn't working, behaviour training can help. One of the problems with time-outs is that they're not always carried out properly. For instance, you should always be calm when placing your puppy in their time-out crate. Also, you shouldn't leave your puppy in time out for too long. One of the benefits of puppy behaviour training is that you'll learn how to provide effective time-outs for your puppy. 

Alternative Play

If you like to roughhouse with your puppy, but that type of play always results in biting, it might be time to find an alternative way to play. Some puppies will become overly aggressive during roughhousing. Puppy behaviour training can help you learn effective tools to de-escalate play until your puppy has the chance to calm down. Training can also help you identify new ways to interact with your puppy. 

Bite Inhibition

If your puppy continues to bite, it's time for behavioural training. During puppy behavioural training, your puppy will learn bite inhibition. When puppies interact in groups, they often use a bark or whine when they've been bitten. This sends a message that play has gotten too rough. Puppy behavioural training provides you with the same tools. Your puppy will learn that when you grimace or withdraw, they've caused pain, which will cause them to stop biting. 

For more information on a puppy behaviour training class, contact a professional near you.

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